Thursday, July 31, 2008

Another Year

Another year of my life has come and gone. I am now thirty-three. How do I feel?

I had to take some time to think about that.

I don't feel any older than I did yesterday, though I have been noticing my body doesn't work the way that it once did.

I still don't feel like a grown-up...even though it's probably way past time that I should.

I don't regret my life up to this point. Let me clarify this. I do regret some decisions I have made in the past. But I know that some of those decisions have put me where I am now, and I would never trade my wife and my precious two children for a different life.

Would I love to have been a famous actor by now? Sure...but not at the expense of my family. Would I love to have written a best-seller? Absolutely! But not by having never know the love of my wonderful spouse and the adoration of my kiddos.

Do I like working two jobs to provide for my family? Nope. Especially because it takes me away from those I love. Is it worth it? Without question.

And that's where I am at. Like it, love it, or hate it. For better or worse.

And that's all I have to say about that.

1 comment:

pbmciver said...

Hi Josh - 33 is so young, lol! I will be 41 in a week and I don't feel old at all. Now, when my parents were my age I thought "oh, man are they old", lol. Now I wonder how old I look to my kids...hehe.

Anyway, I haven't been to your blog in awhile or really mine and thought I would come on over and see how ya'll are doing. We are all fine - sure do miss ya'll at church.