Tuesday, January 23, 2007


I know. I know. I haven't posted in awhile. Shame on me. Well, I'm trying to get into the habit of writing regularly, so maybe that will get me in the mood to post regularly. I have actually been doing some studying on Seeking God which I may put on here. But that's a subject for another day.

Today, I am telling you all that I am aspiring to be a screenwriter. And I have four pages under my belt so far in two days of writing. I've had an excellent idea for quite some time, but I was never sure how to go about writing it. Now, I've read some in a couple of books on how to get amatuer folks like me started on this stuff. One of the books recommend that a person should get on a writing schedule. One screenwriter, (a professional one, might I add) gets by writing two pages a day. The thing is, the average screenplay is anywhere between 80 to 120 pages long, with each page averaging about a minute worth of film. See how that works? And, if I keep on schedule, continously writing two pages a day, then I'll be done with my first draft in a couple of months. Sounds pretty cool, huh?

So pray for me. Pray that I'll follow through. That I won't get bored, stuck, or discouraged. I need to finish this project. If I don't, I may lose confidence in my ability to do it. And this story NEEDS to be told.

Want to know more about it? Well, you'll have to wait. That means I need you to keep encouraging me to finish so you can read it. Fair enough?

Alright...enough blogging for now.
Keep the faith, and keep traveling.